Sunday, August 19, 2007


Diplomatic representatives abroad and Honorary counsels of Mongolia have the rights to issue to foreign citizens Mongolian visas. No official or private invitation is needed for a foreign citizen (except the citizens of Russia and China) applying for a Mongolian visa, If the duration of the visitors' stay does not exceed one month.

Visa will be issued within 24 hours.
Citizens of Poland, Kazakstan, do not require a visa for a visit not exceeding three months.
Citizens of Malaysia, Israel, do not need a visa for visit not exceeding one month.
Citizens of Philippines are allowed to enter Mongolia for a visit not exceeding three weeks.
Citizens of Singapore do not need a visa for visit not exceeding two weeks.
Citizens of People`s Republic of China, Vietnam, Bulgaria and Romanai, who has diplomatic and service passports, do not require a visa for visits to Mongolia.
Citizens of Russia, Laos, Yugoslavia, Czech, Slovak who has diplomatic and service passports, do not require a visa for visits not exceeding three months.
Citizens of Democratic People`s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea, Thailand, Hungary, Turkey, who has diplomatic and service passports, do not need a visa for visits not exceeding one month.
Citizens of India shall have Mongolian visa without visa application and visa fee.

Foreign nationals from other countries, which have no agreement on relaxing visa regime on the basis of reciprocity wishing to pay a visit to Mongolia for more than 30 days, should have an official or private invitation. The addresses where you can obtain visas Embassies, Missions and Consuls.

Follow the following steps and requirements to obtain a Mongolian visa from your nearest Mongolian Embassy:

Embassy in European Union:
593, Chaussee de Wavre
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel:6468018, Fax: 6468018

Embassy in Bulgaria:
Sofia str. 11 13 Frederick Joliot
Curie 52 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: (359-2)-658403,
Fax: (359-2)-659436
E-mail: 0889@,main.infotel.bg

Embassy in China:
No. 2, Xiushui Beijie
Jian Guo Jian
Guo Men Wai Da Jie Beijing, China
Tel: (86-10)-6532-1810, 6532-1203
Fax: (86-10)-6532-5045
E-mail: monembbj@public3.bta.net.cn
General Consulate in Huhe Haote, China:
Zhongguo Huhe Haote Xincheng gu
Wulanziagu 5 hao Lou Menggu
Lingshiguang, 1I 0 1 - 1 105, Huhe Haote,
Tel: (86-471)-4953254,(86-471)-4953266
Fax: (86-471)-4953250

Embassy in Czech Republic:
Na Mame 5, Praha - 6
160000 Ceska Republika
Tel: (42-2)-24311198-9,
Fax: (42-2)-3i2l5Ol
E-mail: monemb@bohem-net.cz

Embassy in Cuba:
Calle 66 No 505 Esguina a 5 ta-A Miramar
La Havana Havana, Cuba
Tel: (53-7)-332763,
Fax: (53-7)-330639

Embassy in Egypt:
33A, Mohamed Mazhar street Zamalek,

Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (20)-3409574
Fax: (20-2)-3414229
E-mail: monemby@intouch.com

Embassy in France:
5 avenue Robert Schumann, 92100
Boulogne-Billancourt Paris, France
Tel: (33-1)-46052318
Fax: (33-1)-46053016
E-mail: 106513,2731@Compuserve.com

Embassy in Germany:
Siebengebirsblick 4-6, 53844 Troisdorf
Bonn, Germany
Tel: (49)-2241-402727
Fax: (49)-2241-47781

Diplomatic Representative in Berlin, Germany:
Gotlandstrasse 12, 1043 9 -Berlin, Germany
Fax: (49-30)-4469321

Embassy in Hungary:
1022 Budapest 11-K, Bodar Utca 14/C
Budapest, Hungary
Tel: (36-1)-2124579, 2125904
Fax: (36-1) 2125731

Embassy in India:
3 4, Archbishor Makarios, Mart,
New Delhi I 1 003, New Delhi, India
Tel: (99-1l)-4631728,
Fax: (99-1l)-4633240
E-mail: Embassy.mongolia@gems.vsnl.net.in

Embassy in Japan:
Shoto Pinecrest Mansion, 21-4 Kamiyama- cho,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: (81-33)-4692088,4692092
Fax: (81-33)-4692216
Embassy in Laos:
Q.Wat Nak Km.3 P.O.Box 370
Vientiane, Laos P.D.R
Tel: (856-2l)-315220,
Fax: (856-2l)-315221

Embassy in Poland:
ul. Rejtana 15 m. 16, Warsawa 00-478,
Tel: (48-22)-487920
Fax: (48-22)-484264
E-mail: Root@mongpl.aion.botar.com.p

Embassy in Romania:
Str. Faragas 6, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: (40-1)-6387370
Fax: (40-1)-3121325

Embassy in Russia:
ul. Stanislavsky 20, Moscow, Russia
Tel: 290-45-51, 290-67-92,
Telex: 65-414387

Consulate in Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
198207 c. Saint Petersburg, Leninsky prospect
dom II 5 lest. 5, fl. 8, fl. 141, 143 Saint Petersburg
Tel: 1538051

General Consulate in Irkutsk, Russia:
Irkutsk 6640, ul. Lapina I 1, Irkutsk, Russia
Tel: (7-3952)-342145, 342447

General Consulate in Ulaan-Ude, Russia:
Buryatskaya AR 670000, c. Ulan-Ude,
ul. Erbanova 12, Hotel "Baikal"
Tel: (7-30122)-20507, 22934
Fax: (7-30122)-63244

Embassy in Ukraine:
c. Kiev 252030, ul. M. Kotcubinskogo 3
Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: (7-044)-2168639,
Fax: (7-044)-2168751
E-mail: postmaster@monelch.kiev.uacom

Embassy in Kazakhstan:
c. Alma-Ata 48090, ul. Aubakerova 1/1
Alma- Ata, Kazakhstan

Tel: (7-3272)-200865, 293790
E-mail: monkazel@kazinaii-asdc.kz

Perinanent Mission in Switzerland:
4, Chemin des Mollies, CH- 1 293 Bellevue,
Geneva, Switzer-land
Tel: (41-022)-7741974
Fax: (41-022)-7743201
E-mail: mission.mongolia@itu.ch

Embassy in UK:
8 Kensington Court, London W8 5DL, UK
Tel: (020) 7937 0150 or 7937 5238 or 7937 5238 ext.
29 (visa section). Fax: (020) 7937 1117.
E-mail: embmong@aol.com
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 1000-1230.

Embassy in USA:
2833 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA
Tel: (202) 333 7117. Fax: (202) 298 9227.
E-mail: monemb@aol.com
Website: www.monemb.org

Embassy in Democratic People's Republic of Korea:
Pyongyang Mansu-dong, DPRK
Tel: (850-2)-817322, 850-2-817323
Fax: 850-2-817616

Embassy in Republic of Korea:
Yong san-ku , I- 1 04 Riverside Village
I-Dong 3 00-24, Dongbuichon-Dong,
Seoul I- 1 04, Korea
Tel: (82-2) 7928860
Fax: (82-2) 7947605

• One copy of visa application form is required for Mongolian visas
• State clearly travel dates
• A valid passport must be produced
• For a group visa the Consular Section needs only passport of a tour leader and the rest of the clients should provide the following (nationality, sex, date of birth, passport number, date of issue, expiry date).
• 3 recent passport size photo should be attached.
• Self-addressed and registered Envelope is required in case visa applied by post.

All visas, except transit are issued by the Embassy. The normal time required for a visa to be processed is one week. But for a transit visa - 48 hours without any authorizations.
The standard charge for a tourist visa is US$25 and for a transit visa US$15 if you obtain the visa in advance. If you require the visa urgently or if you obtain your visa at the border points, you will need to pay US$50 and US$30 respectively.
Please note that the visa regulations have recently changed. It is now NOT possible to buy visas at Mongolian borders or at the airport upon arrival. There have also been changes recently to Police Registration procedures. You are advised to find out up-to-date details from your Embassy or Consulate in


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