Sunday, August 19, 2007


Terelj tourist camp is open is all year round. You can travel by coach or by car. Located at 80 km away from Ulaanbaatar. Elevation is 1600 metres above sea level one of the picturesque spot in the outskirts of Gorkhi. There are many interesting places along the way from Ulaanbaatar to Terelj. The mountain mass Gorkhi with high steeple-like peaks is covered with foreste on the nothern slopes. This area is rich in the terms of wild life. Foreigners cominmg to Terelj compare the outskirts of Terelj with a museum of natural wealth. Visitors can take leisurely strolls on green meadows carpeted with edelweiss and a dazzling variety of other wild flowers, view fascinating rock formations against a backdrop of pine covered mountains and wander along the wooded banks of a mountain stream. Overnight guests can stay in ghers or guest rooms.


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